
A Net Core 3.1 library for parsing command line arguments in a flexible fashion.

Basic Usage

// create an instance of BindingTargetBuilder (here done via 
// dependency injection). Note that there are several objects
// you need to create if you want to create an instance of
// BindingTargetBuilder without dependency injection.
var builder = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<BindingTargetBuilder>();

// configure the builder (these are the minimum calls you need to make)
builder.Prefixes( "-", "--", "/" )
    .Quotes( '\'', '"' )
    .HelpKeys( "h", "?" );

var binder = builder.AutoBind<Program>();
if (binder == null)
    throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(Program));

binder.Options[ "i" ]!.SetValidator( OptionInRange<int>.GreaterThan( 0 ) );

if (!binder.Parse(args))
    Environment.ExitCode = 1;

Console.WriteLine($"IntValue is {IntValue}");
Console.WriteLine($"TextValue is {TextValue}");

Console.WriteLine(Unkeyed.Count == 0
    ? "No unkeyed parameters"
    : $"Unkeyed parameters: {string.Join(", ", Unkeyed)}");

Available from nuget (see the project’s nuget page).

For more information refer to the project’s github page.