Author: chairmanmao

WordPress File Upload Limits

I really love WordPress…but one of the things I always struggle with is changing default values. Because there are so many, many places that you might make changes… Today’s challenge

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WinUI3: Non-Local Converters

I recently wrote a Windows App/WinUI3 application to start learning what will hopefully be Microsoft’s Windows desktop UI framework for some years. I come from having some familiarity with Windows

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Fun with async: A Useful Approach

I recently wrote my first Windows App/WinUI 3 application, to start learning what will hopefully be Microsoft’s core desktop framework for some time. Because you can never have enough programming

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The Dog in the Night

There’s a famous Sherlock Holmes story whose resolution depends on Holmes recognizing that a dog not barking in the night during a break-in was a critical piece of information. Because

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GPS Locator

A Windows desktop app for interacting with GPS devices. No warranty for the usability of GPS Locator is expressed or implied. You should not rely on it in an emergency.

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